As a globally recognized podcast in the top 0.5%, Do The Work is a top resource for no-nonsense relationship advice that’s not only clear and actionable but also backed by the expertise of board-certified and licensed psychologists. Hosted by the queen of keeping it real, creator and entrepreneur Sabrina Zohar.

As a globally recognized podcast in the top 0.5%, Do The Work is a top resource for no-nonsense relationship advice that’s not only clear and actionable but also backed by the expertise of board-certified and licensed psychologists. Hosted by the queen of keeping it real, creator and entrepreneur Sabrina Zohar.


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Podcast Addict


Dating advice with no BS.

 Great podcast.

“I have been doing some deep diving into healing from some unhealthy relationships. I have read many books and I have to say I appreciate your podcast so much! It’s more useful in so many ways and so real. Thank you for the work you do so we can do our work as well.”


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I created Do The Work using the proven, professionally-informed tools I’ve used in my journey to empower people to show up for themselves and ditch the bad dating habits keeping them in a loop. What I share is always real, resonant, and relevant– drop your email below to make sure you never miss a thing.